Category: post
Understanding Why Your Home Feels Hot: Radiant Heat, Insulation, Humidity, and Heat Retention
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} en in {{placeholder content=’e3ticml6eV9kY19wb3N0X3RpdGxlfX0=’}} {{placeholder content=’e3tlZGl0b3JfcG9zdF9pbmZvfX0=’}} Ever wondered why your home feels sweltering, even when the thermostat reads a reasonable temperature? The sensation of heat in your indoor environment is influenced by several key factors: radiant heat, insulation, humidity, and heat retention. Let’s explore how each of these elements contributes to…
Kenapa kekuatan beban tekanan Itu Penting dalam Pembuatan Lantai Terrazzo?
en in Dalam produksi lantai terrazzo, bobot mesin tekan bukan cuma sekadar angka, bobot mesin ini adalah kunci dasar dari seluruh proses produksi yang menjamin kualitas lantai yang dihasilkan. Bersama Reflecto, yuk pelajarin alasan mengapa beban mesin untuk membuat lantai terrazzo sangat penting untuk menciptakan terrazzo berkualitas tinggi! Pencampuran Bahan Fungsi inti dari memberikan tekanan…
The Power of Weight: Why Heft Matters in Terrazzo Tile Press Machines
en in When it comes to terrazzo tile production, the weight of the press machine isn’t just a number—it’s a cornerstone of the entire process. Here’s why a heavier press machine is essential for creating top-notch terrazzo tiles and how it impacts production efficiency, stability, and durability. Hydraulic Pressure Mastery The core function of a…
Solusi Rumah Anti Panas di Iklim Tropis?
en in Seiring dengan meningkatnya suhu global dan percepatan perubahan iklim, solusi inovatif sangat dibutuhkan untuk mengurangi dampak yang terjadi pada lingkungan kita. Salah satu solusinya, ya dengan penggunaan cat tahan panas, terutama di negara-negara tropis yang sering dilanda panas ekstrem kaya Indonesia. Misalnya: Leakfree Pro, cat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk memantulkan panas matahari sehingga…
Harnessing Heat-Proof Paints to Combat Global Warming: A Tropical Solution
en in As global temperatures rise and climate change accelerates, innovative solutions are urgently needed to mitigate environmental impacts. One such promising approach involves the use of heat-proof paints, especially in tropical countries where extreme heat is prevalent. These paints, known for their high solar reflectance properties, can play a significant role in reducing global…
Floorings Recommendations for Your Dream Minimalist Design
en in Minimalism in interior design isn’t just a trend. It’s a lifestyle, a philosophy, and an art form. This design approach strips away the unnecessary, leaving behind only the essential, the beautiful, and the purposeful. In a world cluttered with distractions, minimalism offers a breath of fresh air, a serene escape into simplicity. At…
Rekomendasi Tipe Lantai yang Cocok untuk Desain Minimalist
en in Minimalism dalam desain interior bukan cuma soal tren. Bisa dibilang, ini merupakan gaya hidup, filosofi, dan yang pasti sebuah bentuk seni. Pendekatan desain ini menyingkirkan hal-hal yang tidak diperlukan dan hanya menyisakan hal-hal yang penting, indah, dan berguna. Makanya, minimalism menawarkan udara segar dari banyaknya tren-tren desain interior sekarang. Pada intinya, desain minimalis…
Why are Anti-Bacterial Properties in Floorings Important?
en in In our ever-evolving world, where cleanliness and hygiene have taken center stage, the importance of anti-bacterial properties in floorings cannot be overstated. Whether in homes, offices, hospitals, or public spaces, the demand for surfaces that help maintain a healthy environment has surged. There are many reasons why flooring with antibacterial properties are superior:…
Kenapa Sih, Lantai dengan Sifat Anti-Bakteri Itu Penting?
en in Di dunia yang terus berubah ini, kebersihan harus jadi prioritas utama kita semua. Makanya, pentingnya lantai dengan sifat anti-bakteri nggak bisa diremehkan. Baik itu di rumah, kantor, rumah sakit, atau tempat umum. Permintaan pasar akan permukaan yang bisa membantu menjaga lingkungan tetap sehat makin meningkat. Bareng Reflecto, yuk pelajarin beberapa alasan kenapa lantai…
Is Heatproof Paint Worth It?
en in When you think of home improvement, what comes to mind? New furniture? Maybe a fresh coat of paint in a trendy color? While these upgrades are fun and essential, they can overshadow one crucial aspect: heatproofing paint. This unsung hero could be the difference between a comfortable, energy-efficient home and a sweltering disaster.…