Category: en
Coolroof: Energy-Saving Solution for Cooler Factories
{{ brizy_dc_global_blocks position=’top’ }} en in {{placeholder content=’e3ticml6eV9kY19wb3N0X3RpdGxlfX0=’}} {{placeholder content=’e3tlZGl0b3JfcG9zdF9pbmZvfX0=’}} Amid rising global temperatures and the growing need for comfort in factories, coolroof emerges as the best solution to protect industrial buildings from solar heat. coolroof is not just ordinary roof paint; it is an innovation specifically designed to meet the needs of factories, helping…
Know the 5 Causes of Damp & Moldy Walls
en in Having a comfortable home and avoiding leaks is everyone’s dream. Leaks usually occur due to several factors that can trigger the wall to become damp & leak. A damp and moldy room causes the house to look dull and not beautiful anymore. In the long run, it can also be harmful to the…
Modern Industrial Home Design: Definition, Characteristics, and Advantages
en in In creating comfort and beauty, a unique home design is needed, one of which is the modern industrial style. Therefore, this article will discuss the definition, characteristics, and advantages of modern industrial home design. Modern industrial design is the concept of a unique blend of raw industrial elements, such as exposed brick walls…
4 Functions of Window Film for Your Home
en in Window film has many benefits for both the house and its occupants. Let’s know the function of window film for the house. Window film is a layer of glass from nano ceramic and nano carbon that functions to protect the glass. The use of window film inside makes you feel more comfortable and…
Understanding Floor Pores: Why They Exist and Why They Can Be Problematic
en in Floors come in various materials—wood, tile, concrete, and more—each with unique characteristics. One common feature found in many types of flooring is the presence of pores. These tiny openings can have significant implications for the floor’s performance and maintenance. In this article, we’ll explore why floors have pores, the issues they can cause,…
How to Choose a Good Quality Wooden Floor
en in Selecting the right wooden flooring for your home can enhance its aesthetic appeal, add value, and provide comfort for years to come. However, with so many options available, choosing the best quality wooden floor can be daunting. This guide will help you navigate the factors to consider when making your decision. 1. Understand…
Understanding Heatproof Products: Measurement and Key Metrics
en in In our increasingly temperature-sensitive world, heatproof products play a crucial role in various applications, from construction materials to cookware. But how are these products measured for their heat resistance? This article delves into the key metrics used to evaluate heatproof materials, focusing on Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) and Total Solar Energy Reflectance (TSER).…
What to Look for in a Good Tinted Glass Film
en in Tinted glass film can enhance the aesthetics of your windows while providing practical benefits such as privacy, UV protection, and energy efficiency. Whether you’re considering window tinting for your home, office, or vehicle, understanding what to look for in a quality tinted glass film is essential. Here are key factors to consider: How…
Understanding Heatproof Paints: How They Work and Their Applications
en in Heatproof paints, also known as heat-resistant or high-temperature paints, are designed to protect surfaces exposed to extreme temperatures. These specialized coatings create a durable barrier that shields materials from heat damage, corrosion, and other adverse effects. Here’s a comprehensive look at how heatproof paints work, their different types, and their various applications. How…
Understanding Why Your Home Feels Hot: Radiant Heat, Insulation, Humidity, and Heat Retention
en in Ever wondered why your home feels sweltering, even when the thermostat reads a reasonable temperature? The sensation of heat in your indoor environment is influenced by several key factors: radiant heat, insulation, humidity, and heat retention. Let’s explore how each of these elements contributes to your home’s overall warmth. Radiant Heat: More Than…