
solutions for

your home.

Being a company that was founded with a mission of providing convenience and service to every customer in the field of development, bringing in the best quality for you is our priority. Located in the busiest and biggest capital of Indonesia, this company started out as a family business whose founder is a technology and quality enthusiast. Starting from the concern regarding...

our background.

Being a company that was founded with a mission of providing convenience and service to every customer in the field of development, bringing in the best quality for you is our priority. Located in the busiest and biggest capital of Indonesia, this company started out as a family business whose founder is a technology and quality enthusiast. Starting from the concern regarding...

our solutions.




our services.

exclusive installation and survey services for our leakfree products.

our happy clients.

some of our partners

and clients.

tiptoe corner


“Pernah pakai dulu dan sekarang beli lagi. Memang dinding jadi tidak panas setelah dilapis cat ini. Sellernya juga sangat helpful dan informatif. Recommend!!.”




"Sudah dari tahun 2013 tembok menggunakan cool roof, tetapi warna cat tetap putih, gak berjamur, dan gak kotor kelihatannya"




“Mantuuuuuuuuul 👍, informative, cooperative, berkualitas & packing aman, solusi delivery ok. Solusi aman utk dak berkualitas top👌.Trims & sukses trus 🙏


our latest projects.

consult with us today!

our office:

Jakarta : Perumahan Griya Pratama, Jl. Griya Pratama III No. 23, Pegangsaan, Kelapa Gading

Jakarta Utara 14240

+62 811847339


+ 62 81316291236

fill out the form, or call us to set up a free online consultation.