Why Do Hairline Cracks Appear in Walls
Why Do Hairline Cracks Appear in Walls

We often encounter on the walls of our homes, hairlines that are getting wider and wider day by day. These hairlines on the walls are also known as hairlines cracks. Some homeowners usually don't understand the cause of hairlines cracks.

But in general, the causes of hairlines cracks are generally based on two factors, such as

Structural factors

which are directly related to the structure. For example, the movement of the foundation.


related to building construction work, such as imperfect walls.

At the beginning of the hairline cracks, usually, the size will be about 1mm and irregularly lengthwise. But over time, small cracks will have the potential to become larger and become more serious. Therefore, even if it is just a small crack, it needs to be checked and addressed immediately.

Below are some basic things that cause hairlines cracks on the wall in terms of structural and non-structural factors, such as:

The use of sand in the making of plaster has a mixture of mud

The type of sand used as a plaster mixture has various types and characteristics. But often, to save costs, people usually ignore the selection of the right type of sand and use the type of sand that is dirty or mixed with the soil which ultimately causes the walls to crack.

Incorrect plaster composition

The composition of the mixed plaster is not suitable and not perfectly mixed. This causes the plaster to shrink when it's dry and causes cracks on the surface.

Application of a layer of plaster and grout on a non completely drywall.

The application of plaster or grout on a wall layer that is not completely dry is one of the main causes of cracks. In addition, when the plastered wall is not completely dry but the plastering process has begun, then when the plaster dries, evaporation will occur and it will be stuck under the plaster layer which will eventually crack because it is unable to withstand the pressure of water vapor from within.

Minor earthquake or moderate impact

As explained above, that structural factors are one of the causes of cracked walls. But how can the structure of a house sway or cause the walls to crack? Well, natural factors are one of the answers. For example, a small earthquake and/or soil shift in the foundation area. It can also be caused by vibrations in the structure that occur due to moderate impacts from occupant activities and so on.

Drastic changes in weather temperature

Drastic changes in weather temperature are also one of the causes of cracks in the walls. But how is it related? Well, for example, like a glass filled with hot water and then immediately replace with cold water, it will usually crack immediately due to drastic temperature changes. The same thing also happens for wall conditions, especially those exposed to extreme weather. Therefore, the walls of the house, especially the exterior, also need protection so they don't crack and end up causing leaks to seep into the house.

Is there any solution for my house's exterior protection?

Of course, there is! leakfree pro. is a solution for your exterior walls, we prevent walls from cracks due to extreme weather changes. Because in leakfree pro. there is an anti-heat technology (heatproof), which will make the wall or exposed slab stays at a balanced temperature even when it's hot. In addition, leakfree pro. also has an elasticity of up to 800% which functions as a waterproofing paint, protecting the house from leaking caused by cracks. So, by using leakfree pro, your home will have double protection from leaks and also anti-heat.


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